Team: Couples

Dan and Tammy Doyle

Dan and Tammy Doyle

Dan and Tammy Doyle raised their 2 boys, Connor and Sean, in a military environment and loved navigating every new adventure as a foursome.  In 2007 they retired from the Air Force and moved from Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, AK to Knoxville, TN.  After college, their boys returned to Alaska, Connor in 2018 and Sean in 2020, […]

Sam and Barbara Wilson

Sam and Barbara Wilson

Sam and Barbara Wilson’s daughter, Beth, was a victim of domestic violence in March of 2015. They have two other adult children, Jon and Katie, and two precious grandboys, Derek and Brendan. Derek and Brendan are Beth’s children and have been adopted by Jon and his wife. In retirement, Sam and Barbara enjoy the blessing […]

Ron and Nan Deal

Ron and Nan Deal

Ron and Nan Deal have been married since 1986 and have three boys. In 2009 they lost their middle son, Connor, to a MRSA staph infection when he was 12 years old. Ron is a speaker with the ministry of FamilyLife®, the author of more than a dozen resources for families, and a licensed marriage […]

Joe and Becky Canal

Joe and Becky Canal

Joe and Becky Canal raised five boys, Joshua, Caleb, Gabriel, Joey, and Jesse, two of whom are now in heaven. Their oldest, Joshua, was born with a serious heart defect which he lived with for 17 years until he received a heart transplant in 1998. Josh lived 13 years after his transplant. During that time, […]

Jason and Amy Carter

Jason and Amy Carter

Jason and Amy Carter consider themselves blessed to be parents to three wonderful children, a son and two daughters. Their middle child, Katie Beth, went to heaven instantly on September 5, 2016, when she was in an auto accident on her way back to college. Jason and Amy founded Live & Love Ministries as a […]

Bill and Melissa McCollum

Bill and Melissa McCollum

Bill and Melissa McCollum’s 19-year-old son, Clint, went to Heaven on January 7, 2020, following a single car accident.  Bill works in IT support and Melissa is a nurse.  They have been married for 28 years and enjoy spending time with their daughter, Amber. Some of their greatest memories as a family are serving on mission trips to Guatemala, Uganda, […]

Curt and Stacy Davis

Curt and Stacy Davis

Curt and Stacy’s 16-year-old son, Caleb, went to be with his Savior on 04/07/2018 after being on life-support for 52 days due to complications from the flu.  His brothers, Colin and Carter, have surpassed him in age and are serving the Lord in various opportunities, just like Caleb did.  Curt has been the manager of […]

Troy and Jana Solhjem

Troy and Jana Solhjem

Troy and Jana’s son Jeremiah went to heaven September 17, 2015, as a result of an ATV accident. They have 6 other children- Laney, Craig, Sheyenne, Chase, Barak & Elijah as well as two grandchildren!  Troy runs his own fencing business and works with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Jana is a homeschool mom who […]

Brad and Jill Sullivan

Brad and Jill Sullivan

Brad and Jill’s daughter, Hannah, went to Heaven on February 26, 2009, at the age of 17. She battled glioblastoma brain cancer for one year with grace and without fear, accepting it as “her storm” … her opportunity to bring glory to God. Brad is retired after 31 years in public education and together, they serve […]

Tony and Teresa Davis

Tony and Teresa Davis

Tony and Teresa Davis’s son, Andrew, a pilot, was killed in a plane crash on November 30, 2018, at the age of 32. They have one daughter, Sarah, and four grandchildren. Tony is self-employed and Teresa is an RN. Teresa has written a devotional book about her spiritual journey after the loss of Andrew, and hosts […]

Bobby and Amy Smith

Bobby and Amy Smith

Bobby and Amy’s son, Joel, joined Jesus August 16, 2011 at the age of 5. He loved pretending to be a superhero like Batman and cancer was his ugliest villain. Bobby works with the Air National Guard as an aerial port technician and Amy is an ophthalmic technician. They enjoy taking their other two boys, […]