
retreat facilitators Michael and Michelle Moore

Michael and Michelle’s 16-year-old son, Joshua, passed away on November 1, 2013, after collapsing due to ventricular fibrillation while running. The Moores are blessed with a daughter and son-in-love and a sweet grandson. Michael works as an engineer at Cox Communications and Michelle is an educator. They worship at Mount Comfort Church of Christ where they are actively involved with the Razorbacks for Christ ministry and the Young Adults group.  They facilitate a WWW support group in Springdale and are honored to be a part of the WWW mission to help other grieving parents run their races well. 2 Timothy 4:7.

Arkansas (Hot Springs)

Jun 06-08, 2025

Weekends for Bereaved Parents

Arkansas (Hot Springs)

Oct 17-19, 2025

Weekends for Bereaved Parents