Sidney & Arkon 041824 DSC_0028

retreat facilitators Arkon and Sidney Stewart

Arkon and Sidney’s son, Gray went home to be with the Lord instantly on October 9, 2020, as the result of an auto accident. He was 21 years, 11 months and 11 days old.

They have a daughter, Morgan, a son-in-law, Patrick, and a beautiful grandson named Bronson. Arkon is a graphic designer/creative director. Sidney was in the printing business for many years, homeschooled Gray, and runs the day-to-day household.

Arkon and Sidney live in Fort Mill, South Carolina, about 15 miles outside of Charlotte, NC.  They have attended Central Church for over 38 years and have been involved with children’s ministries and various Bible studies over the years.

Their hearts’ desire is to point people to Jesus and serve the Lord through this wonderful ministry by encouraging, giving hope, and loving on other grieving parents. 

Arkansas (Hot Springs)

Apr 25-27, 2025

Weekends for Bereaved Parents

South Carolina

May 09-11, 2025

Weekends for Bereaved Parents